Support Us

We are currently seeking funds to support our Shewatuck Fellows. Operating cost for our Fellows Program is $100,000 every four months. Your donation helps the Rhode Island Farm Incubator provide infrastructure, capital, fair compensation, and land access to underserved farmers and food producers.

What we do…

Empower and support underserved producers.

Jumpstart vibrant and local farm, food, and nutrition ventures.

Partner with government and philanthropic institutions to generate much needed capital for underserved producers.

Establish a responsible ethic for evaluating new ventures and technologies in food production -not only climate change mitigation, but also human and ecological well being.

Practice equitable compensation for all our farmers, Fellows, and value-added producers - providing a working environment that aids wealth creation.

Support Innovation within the Food Economy

The Rhode Island Farm Incubator also provides investment opportunities for ideas and ventures that have the potential to transform and revitalize the local food economy. With your help, we seek to create a more just and financially equitable food system.

To learn more, leave us a note with your interest, and someone will be in touch within two days.

Promote farm and food production practices that are organic and ecologically beneficial.

Support opportunities that allow local, regional, and national financial professionals to better understand and aid organic, regenerative farm and food development.

Offer programs that educate on valuable agricultural, cultural, and community practices – building upon fundamental and immemorial ideas of societal health and food systems.

Prioritize a food secure community and individual food sovereignty when thinking about and promoting new ventures and practices within our local food system.

What we’ve done so far…

  • Purchased our 91 acre property in the rural community of Slocum, Rhode Island. Began the ten-year process of agriculturally and ecologically conscientious development.

  • Received $2.9M initial funding from USDA Rural Development on initial farm development. Established a relationship with USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service for the annual and collaborative implementation of
    valuable soil, water, and cultivation practices on the property.

  • Established our Shewatuck Fellows Program; providing resources and guidance to fund and nurture local entrepreneurs focused on farm and food ventures or community improvement projects.

  • Established Shewatuck Farm - a GAP certified organic vegetable, herb, mushroom, and flower farm focused on the development of regionally applicable regenerative and sustainable agricultural production methods. Currently feeding a growing local CSA that has provided fresh produce to over 300 members of our community.

  • Partnered with local organizations to combat food insecurity - growing over 33,000 pounds of organic vegetables for local hunger relief agencies throughout Rhode Island since 2021.

  • Opened our property as an educational and community space, welcoming our neighbors, gleaning volunteers, and farm customers through weekly events, farmstand, and educational workshops.